Friday 18 January 2013

wishlist.. aku pun ada

Assalamualaikum..senyum dan senyum..manis manis..memang manis

this is a list of my wishlist..

eventhough I don't know bila nak dapat tapi akan bersabar dan terus bersabar akan ku berusaha dapatkan ini semua dan kalau ada rezeki orang berbaik hati nak bagi pun boleh alhamdullilah :)
  1. A rainbow al-Quran /  al-Quran wanita..I want both (eh tamak)

sekarang tengah femes al-Quran pelangi ni..yup..majoriti  golongan kaum2 hawa lah yang lebih tertarik nk beli..

n ini semestinya kan menguntungkan pihak2 peniaga..
tujuan saya jadikan ia sbg wishlist bukan lah hendak bangga2 kan ia kat kwn2 or bila disusun di rak buku..

tapi apa salah memiliki something yang attractive,,
so more attractive lar nak baca ia InsyaAllah..

n just one way to help our muslim businessman/woman to expand their business..kita lah yang seharusnya kena support peniaga peniaga Muslim ni

sweet sangat lah ai warna ni

Al Quran Wanita Bludru A6

-Dengan khat naskah rasm utsmani dan terjemahan.

*Dengan 13 keunggulan :

1. 744 halaman berwarna dengan frame bunga

2. Al-Quran dan terjemah 30 Juz lengkap
3. Al-Quran quantum wanita
4. 20 Sejarah wanita dalam al-Quran
5. Gelar wanita dalam Islam
6. Agenda Muslimah khatam al-quran
7. Tabel ibadah rawatib wanita
8. Tabel Ibadah Nawafil Wanita
9. Wanita yg Haram dinikahi
10. Ensiklopedia ayat-ayat wanita
11. Tips tampil cantik sesuai sunnah
12. 40 Hadits tentang wanita
13. Fiqh ibadah wanita
2. An archery set

aku nak sangat archery set ni...
of course ler aku nak  memanah bro!...ingat aku ni jenis yang ayu sangat ke?? err no..
you're wrong b'coz I'm the type of kasar and lasak disebalik wajah yang penuh keayuaan muehheheh
rasa sangat2 bergaya bler dapat main sukan sunnah 
nabi Muhammad S.A.W kita ni
nanti duit cukup aku nak beli satu  tapi sapa2 willing nk bagi n adiahkan kat aku..really appreciate doubt =)
*kalau jadi hadiah hantaran mesti cool habis kan hhahah
3. A horse

mestilah kuda sebab aku tak ada kereta..
tak payah dah nak pakai minyak petrol..diesel..NGV bagai..
kita boleh elakkan kadar pencemaran udara kat negara Malaysia tercinta ni heheeh
nak ada kuda sendiri so boleh lah aku beriadah petang petang belakang rumah biar kuda kuda ni biasa main dengan pokok getah..boleh ke??  

actually I want to train my horse for equestrian sports hehhe
aku pun ada hati ok nak masuk dalam art of horse riding ni,,apsal?? ora coyo???
one of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W sunnah kot weyh..insyaAllah one day.. 

4. Alhambra Granada my dream vacation places around the world

Granada, Spain; The Alhambra; architectural detail in the Casa Real (Royal Palace). The Alhambra is a palace and fortress complex of the Moorish rulers of Granada, most notably the Nasrid dynasty, 1238-1492. It is now a museum exhibiting exquisite Islamic architecture and a Unesco World Heritage Sit

perasan tak,,one of the attaraction art adalah evey part adalah tertulis 
kalimah kalimah agung Allah S.W.T at every pillar

tinggalan kesenian Islam untuk direnungi bersama..
antara keajaiban dunia

ni lah sebab utama aku nak pergi ke Sepanyol..

eagerly nak pergi dan kena cari duit dulu ok..
kalau lah ada yang nak sponsor..

hmm wondering..
tapi kalau pergi guna duit titik peluh sendiri lagi worth rasanya
so kena kerja and simpan duit boleh lah pergi

"I wish dapat jumpa jodoh org M'sia kat Alhambra ni
mempertemukan dua hati disini atau pun  pergi dengan mahramku"
ayat dalam novel..pengaruh novel cintan cintun hihi =,=
5. A wristwatch
Since aku tak pakai and tak suka segala emas permata membelit pergelangan tangan ku ini,
in case bila terpaksa my mak paksa huhuhu
that's why saya nak jam tangan je hihi
sebab masa tu kan emas..
masa juga ibarat pedang..jika kita tak memotong nya maka ia akan memotong kita
sebenarnya kan sesekali teringinlah jugak  pakai jam branded2 macam ni..
macam seronok je kan hihi

TagHeuer pon boleh hihi
6. Digital Camera

Since I don't have any...I wish I can have only a digital camera no need DSLR bagai
berat je bawak kamera ber kilo kilo tu
plus sebenarnya bukan reti pakai sangat pon..hahah

dan fakta paling penting aku tak suka sangat bergambar
depan orang ramai
gamba akan jadi spoil habis
tapi bila tak ada orang aku bergambar feeling feeling ala model je lah kan hahhah
bila dah spoil gambar...
that's why rasa tak penting sangat
tapi since, aku suka travel it a must to have at least a digital camera

samsung galaxy camera please!!! 

Key Features

  • 16.3 megapixel BSI CMOS sensor
  • 21x optical zoom lens (35mm equiv: 23-483 mm)
  • Optical image stabilisation
  • 4.8 inch HD super clear touch display
  • Runs Android 4.1
  • Wi-Fi and 3G/4G connectivity
  • Full 1080p HD video recording
  • ISO 100-3200
  • 10cm minimum focusing distance
  • Smart mode
  • Voice control
  • Panorama mode

Samsung Galaxy Camera Handling

The Samsung Galaxy Camera has a very cool looking white body, with a decent rubber hand grip. There are two things that are very noticeable when you first get your hands on the camera. Firstly, it is quite heavy, but that's no surprise given that it packs a 21x optical zoom lens into a body you can easily fit in your pocket. The second is the absolutely stunning 4.8 inch screen which fills the entire back of the camera. It looks amazing and makes the camera an absolute pleasure to use.

Samsung Galaxy Camera Screenshot 3Samsung Galaxy Camera Screenshot 4

Max Aperturef/2.8 - f/5.9
35mm equivalent23mm - 483mm
Optical Zoom21x
Image Sensor
CCD pixels16.3Mp (Megapixels)
Pixels (W)4608
Pixels (H)3456
Sensor TypeBack-lit CMOS (B.S.I.)
Sensor Size1/2.3 inch
Sensor Size (width)No Data
Sensor Size (height)No Data
Aspect Ratio
  • 4:3
  • 16:9
LCD Monitor
LCD Monitor4.8in
Screen resolution308 ppi, HD Super Clear Touch Display
Touch ScreenYes
Min Focus10cm
Focusing modes
  • Autofocus
  • Face Detection
  • Multi
  • Centre
Exposure Control
Shutter speeds shortest1/2000sec
Shutter speeds longest16sec
Exp modes
  • Program
  • Aperture-Priority
  • Shutter-Priority
  • Manual
  • Scene modes
  • Centre-weighted - Average
  • Multi Pattern
  • Spot
ISO sensitivity100 - 3200
White balance
  • Auto
  • Manual
  • Outdoors/Daylight
  • Incandescent
  • Fluorescent
Exposure Comp+/-2
Shooting Options
Continuous shootingNo Data
Movie modeYes
Video Resolution
  • 1920x1080
Video FPS30fps, 120fps at 720x480 slow-motion
Stereo SoundYes
Optical Zoom with VideoYes
Other Features
Image StabilisationYes
Card Type
  • Micro SD
  • Micro SDHC
File Type
  • JPG
Power Source
Battery Type1650mAh Lithium Ion
CIPA RatingNo Data
Box Contents
Box ContentsNo Data

Samsung Galaxy Camera White-balance test images

AWB preset - incandescent lighting | 1/40 sec | f/3.4 | 6.2 mm | ISO 100
AWB preset - incandescent lighting | 1/40 sec | f/3.4 | 6.2 mm | ISO 100
Incandescent preset - incandescent lighting | 1/40 sec | f/3.4 | 6.2 mm | ISO 100
Incandescent preset - incandescent lighting | 1/40 sec | f/3.4 | 6.2 mm | ISO 100
AWB preset - fluorescent lighting | 1/5 sec | f/3.0 | 6.2 mm | ISO 100
AWB preset - fluorescent lighting | 1/5 sec | f/3.0 | 6.2 mm | ISO 100
Fluorescent H - fluorescent lighting | 1/5 sec | f/3.0 | 6.2 mm | ISO 100
Fluorescent H - fluorescent lighting | 1/5 sec | f/3.0 | 6.2 mm | ISO 100
Fluorescent L preset - fluorescent lighting | 1/5 sec | f/3.0 | 6.2 mm | ISO 100
Fluorescent L preset - fluorescent lighting | 1/5 sec | f/3.0 | 6.2 mm | ISO 100

tengok..berapa banyak review aku copy
nampak lah aku nak sangat kan digital camera ni hukhukhuk

nama pun wishlist kan mestilah nak yang gempak gempak punya wink2

wishlist aku kebanyakan boyish not girlish2 things
it just because it's my jiwa lah beb..

hopefully one day I will get all this things a
da rezeki dapat semua benda ni tak ada rezeki lain waktu lah derrr..

and that time all praise to Allah 

and for all the  things and Allah's bounty that He already gave to us

Then you forget, to say thank you Allah
You forget, to say Insha Allah
You forget, to say Subhan Allah
Raise your hands Alhamdulillah!!!
-Farid Sanullah-

ok sekian sahaja,,Assalamualaikum dan senyum manis manis

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