Tuesday 14 August 2012

sem II result..1st year...sesion 2011/2012

Mulakan dengan bismillah....

di sudahi dengan alhamdullilah....

begitulah sehari dalam hidup kita....

mudah mudahan di rahmati Allah.....

hye ...hye... maybe it is not too late to write this post...

after the result on 1st August had been published....

all I want to said,,,is.......

praise be to Allah for give me a chance to achieve that awesome results...

all happen is just like a miracle......

i'm a bit shocked when check the result at smpweb....

I just wonder that maybe with my performance during that exam only 60%...

my pointer this sem only 2.5 or below than that...

i'm really afraid because i'm doing that exam all just like grrrrrrrr...

and afraid to get pointer which is below 2.5...

then my beloved MR JPA...

will not support my financial for study anymore and sent a warning letter to my parents..

my parents surely will really sad.....

with lafaz bismillah..then I check my result...


thanks so much ya Allah......

eventhough my result just biasa biasa saje..dan

ada je kawan yang kecewa kalau dapat result exactly same like me because expect to get higher than that...

 and not listed in dean list which is require 3.67 to be listed..

whatever it was...

I really don't care

but i'm really thanks to Allah...

Allah always be with me..

with some more effort n tawakkal to Allah more and more after try harder and believe in HIS promise...

man jada wa jada..wa man zar a hasoda.....

InsyaAllah..for the sake of HIM..i will try the best to achieve my goal to be listed in dean list..

insya Allah...Amin...

                                         "DEAN LIST BECAUSE OF ALLAH"

and definitely doing all this to get blessed from Allah in this world and hereafter...

oh...on top of that,,,after this....whatever the results that I will get...I promise to always kept saying 


my current result just a little bit more to achieve that dean's list..

hope I can improve to  get a much better results..

InsyaAllah...kept study smart..........


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