Tuesday 22 May 2012

when he said to me "i love you" and this is my simple answer.

One beautiful evening at "secret garden" near my hostel at Kolej Dato' Onn UkM , Bangi..my friend and I jogging together,,suddenly...oppps,,someone wait for us at the corner of the road..

Boy : Nur, I love you
Girl  : Oh I see..thanks so much ya..(that boy smiling)..May Allah bless you always, because you love me do not hate me brother. I hope you can said this awesome word more to your parents. They will love you more and you will be blessed.
Boy  :  (with weird face expression)What, I don't understand,but I'm trying to understand,,Ok Assalamualaikum..
Girl  : Waalaikumsalam..

(huhuhu Fasih berbahasa jawa di atas..bnda ni pnh berlaku kt Fasih ke?? x penah kot..tapi kalau pernah berlaku pun biarlah rahsia )

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